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A long-time investment advisor with Cantella & Co. based in Owensboro, Kentucky was recently suspended by FINRA for alleged wrongful conduct. Pursuant to FINRA Rule 9216, Gleason submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (AWC) aimed at settling alleged violations and avoiding future repercussions from FINRA based on the same findings.

Gleason’s career spanned several decades, commencing in 1985 when he first registered with FINRA. However, recent disclosures by former employers have brought his practices under scrutiny by FINRA. According to his FINRA Brokercheck report, his association with Cantella & Co., Inc., ended with him being “discharged” due to “Concerns regarding the origin of notations added to firm-requested Active Account and Concentration client letters.”

The AWC focused on Gleason’s actions between July 2020 and June 2021, during which he allegedly breached the Best Interest Obligation under Rule 15l-1(a)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act. This rule mandates that brokers prioritize clients’ interests over their own when recommending investments. According to the AWC: “Gleason recommended to a retail customer (Customer A) a series of transactions that were excessive in light of the customer’s investment profile. In so doing, Gleason placed his interests ahead of the interests of the customer.” The AWC further stated that this pattern of behavior resulted in significant costs for Customer A, including substantial commissions despite modest account balances.

In June of 2024 Scott Greco represented a client who received a FINRA arbitration award of her full damages, interest, and attorney’s fees against Interactive Brokers regarding an unauthorized money transfer from the client’s account. The case involved the unauthorized access of the Virginia customer’s online account by criminals who transferred funds without the customer’s authorization to an account in the UK. Notably, Interactive Brokers (IB) took no responsibility for its actions and compliance failures and attempted to blame the customer. Read the award here.

FINRA securities brokerage firms such as Interactive Brokers have various duties under FINRA Rules and federal law to safeguard customer assets and guard against money laundering.

The U.S. Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is set out in 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5311 – 5330. Securities Broker-Dealers such as IB are defined as a “financial institution” under the BSA. 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5312(a)(2).  “Money Laundering” is defined in 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5340 as “the movement of illicit cash or cash equivalent proceeds into, out of, or through the United States, or into, out of, or through United States financial institutions…”

FINRA recently issued a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (AWC) against financial advisor Andrew J. Egber which results in his bar from the industry by FINRA.  According to FINRA’s Brokercheck report, Mr. Egber had previous offices in Rockville and Bethesda, Maryland and was previously registered to sell securities with Wells Fargo Clearing Services, Raymond James Financial, and Steward Partners Investment Solutions.  Brokercheck further reports two customer complaints regarding “outside investments.”

The AWC which can be found here states that “On March 3, 2024, Wells Fargo filed an amendment to Egber’s Form US, which stated that the firm had initiated an internal review and was “reviewing allegations of possible theft of client funds” by Egber.”  It further states that Mr. Egber refused to provide information and documents to FINRA and further refused to appear for on the record testimony in violation of FINRA Rules 8210 and 2010.

Greco & Greco have been representing harmed customers in the Maryland/Virginia/DC area for over 25 years.  Many of our cases have involved financial advisors selling investments that were not approved for sale by their FINRA firm, or using alleged investments as means to convert and steal customer funds.  In these situations the firms that have a duty to supervise their advisor can and should be found liable for the wrongdoing of their advisor.  If you were harmed by the actions of your stockbroker, please contact Scott Greco for a free attorney consultation regarding your potential case.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) recently barred a financial advisor from Alexandria, Virginia who had been registered with Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC.  According to the FINRA AWC (Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent), FINRA began an investigation into whether Paul Trimber “converted a senior customer’s funds for his personal use and benefit…”  Mr. Trimber allegedly refused to produce documents in response to FINRA’s requests in the investigation, resulting in FINRA’s bar from Mr. Trimber associating with any FINRA member.

According to FINRA’s Brokercheck report, Mr. Trimber was terminated by Wells Fargo in February 2024 for the following reason:  “Financial Advisor discharged after he admitted during review to making unauthorized transfers of client funds to recipients outside of the Firm.”

Financial Advisors occupy positions of trust and access to accounts that unfortunately can result in the theft of customer funds.  In such situations, the brokerage firms for which the advisor is registered also bear responsibility for their advisors’ criminal actions, and also can be found liable for failures to supervise the wrongful activity.

FINRA has reported on the Brokercheck report for former advisor Shane Wilhelm that he has been permanently barred from registration with a FINRA Broker-Dealer.  The Report states that Mr. Wilhelm was previously registered with Fortune Financial Services and Truist Investment Services, and that he previously had offices in Roanoke, Virginia, Moneta, Virginia, and Lynchburg, Virginia.

FINRA states “Pursuant to FINRA Rule 9552(h) and in accordance with FINRA’s Notice of Suspension and Suspension from Association letters dated June 2, 2023, and June 26, 2023, respectively, on September 5, 2023, Wilhelm is barred from association with any FINRA member firm in all capacities. Wilhelm failed to request termination of his suspension within three months of the date of the Notice of Suspension; therefore he is automatically barred from association with any FINRA member in all capacities.”

The Virginia-based securities fraud lawyers at Greco & Greco have been representing wronged customers of financial advisors for decades, including many clients from southwest Virginia including Roanoke.  We have extensive experience for cases of securities fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, churning, broker theft, false statements, unsuitable recommendations, and unauthorized trading.  If you believe you may have been victimized by your investment advisor, please contact Scott Greco for a free attorney consultation.


FINRA, a regulator of the securities industry, recently barred North Carolina broker Christina Peterman after she failed to respond to a FINRA request for information and documents.  The Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent states that the investigation related to a filing by her Broker-Dealer firm, Truist Investment Services, Inc. stating that she had been discharged based on the allegation that she “accessed client information without a business purpose and engaged in unauthorized client transactions.”

Unauthorized trading by investment advisors is generally considered to be a fraudulent activity.  Typically, unless discretion to trade without speaking to the customer is granted to the broker in writing, the broker is required to obtain permission for all transactions for the customer after discussing the relevant factors which form the basis for a recommended trade.

Greco & Greco has represented North Carolina investors for decades in FINRA arbitrations based on wrongful conduct by stock brokers and their brokerage firms.  If you believe you may have been harmed by a broker’s bad acts, please contact Securities Fraud Lawyer Scott Greco for a free attorney consultation about your case.


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced significant penalties against sixteen firms for widespread recordkeeping failures, amounting to over $81 million in combined fines. Among the firms involved were Northwestern Mutual Investment Services LLC, Guggenheim Securities LLC, Oppenheimer & Co. Inc., Cambridge Investment Research Inc., Key Investment Services LLC, Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation, U.S. Bancorp Investments Inc., and The Huntington Investment Company. The penalties stem from the firms’ failure to maintain and preserve electronic communications, a violation of federal securities laws. These actions highlight the SEC’s commitment to enforcing compliance with recordkeeping requirements essential for monitoring and enforcing securities laws.

Of particular note is The Huntington Investment Company’s case, which stands out due to its self-reporting and cooperation with the SEC. As a result, Huntington was ordered to pay a lower civil penalty compared to other firms, totaling $1.25 million. This demonstrates the importance of voluntary disclosure and cooperation in regulatory investigations.

The investigations uncovered widespread use of unapproved communication methods, such as personal text messages, across all sixteen firms. Employees at various levels, including supervisors and senior managers, were involved in these violations. The failure to maintain and preserve required records potentially deprived the SEC of crucial information in various investigations.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has issued a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (AWC) against LPL Financial LLC, a notable member firm in the securities industry. The AWC alleges a series of alleged rule violations that occurred over several years, painting a picture of insufficient supervision and inaccurate information dissemination to customers. Let’s delve into the details of this regulatory action and what it means for investors and the securities industry at large.

Background: LPL Financial LLC

LPL Financial LLC, a long-standing member of FINRA since 1973, operates as a significant player in the securities industry and is one of the larger “independent” FINRA firms. Headquartered in Fort Mill, South Carolina, LPL boasts a considerable network, with over 27,000 registered representatives across more than 18,000 branch offices.  Most advisors who are registered with independent firms operate out of small one or two advisor offices.  Although independent firms have the same supervisory duties and more traditional firms with big branch offices, proper supervision does not always occur.

The Securities and Exchange Commission of the U.S. (the SEC) recently fined J.P. Morgan Securities $18,000,000 for taking various steps to prevent securities whistleblowers from contacting the SEC or other securities regulators.  J.P. Morgan agreed to the Order which can be found here.

The alleged wrongdoing centered on the language included by J.P. Morgan in its settlement agreements with its advisory and brokerage firm customers to which it paid over $1,000.00.  Virtually all FINRA securities firms and Registered Investment Advisors require a confidentiality clause to be included in any settlement agreement with a customer.  These settlement agreements are often the result of various misconduct by the firms or their advisors, such as securities fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, unauthorized trading, broker theft, recommended unsuitable investments, and churning.  The reason why securities firms always require their settlements to be confidential is clear – they wish to hide their misconduct and the misconduct of their advisors from the public.  FINRA’s Brokercheck report does require firms to disclose settlements with advisors/firms, but the details are often extremely general, and one has to look up the broker directly to find the disclosures.

According to the SEC Order, from 2020 to 2023 J.P. Morgan included language in 362 release agreements that prohibited customers not only from disclosing the amount of the settlement to the SEC, but also prohibited disclosing the facts related to the account (i.e. the misconduct).  Although the releases did allow disclosure to the SEC in response to an inquiry, it did not allow the customers to initiate contact with the SEC.

An Atlanta, Georgia area investment adviser, John Woods, was recently sentenced to 8 years in prison for his role in operating a ponzi scheme. Operating over a staggering 13-year period, Woods defrauded more than 400 individuals, including retirees, seniors, and military veterans, resulting in a loss exceeding $49 million. Under the guise of his fund, “Horizon Private Equity,” Woods promised lucrative returns of six to seven percent to potential investors, claiming minimal risk and a diverse portfolio. However, investigations revealed that the money collected from new investors was used to pay returns to earlier investors, constituting a classic Ponzi scheme.

The case underscores the importance of regulatory vigilance in the investment industry. Despite assurances of safety and profitability, Woods’s actions demonstrated a flagrant abuse of trust, ultimately causing financial ruin to hundreds of victims across 20 different states.

Investment Advisers are fiduciaries, and as such they owe their customers duties of care and loyalty, both of which were flagrantly breached in this situation.  Mr. Woods was a longtime investment adviser representative at Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.

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